5 Kinds of Fly Control You’ve Never Thought Of
It seems like no matter what time of year it is, fly control is always on horse owner’s minds. If you’ve tried everything you can think of to keep the flies off your horse and out of your barn, try taking a different approach to your fly control.

While fly spray is the number one go-to for fly control, it isn’t always enough. Keep using fly spray but try adding these 5 things into your routine for some extra protection. 

1. Wipe It

When you spray a bottle of fly spray, it’s hard to control where all of the product actually lands. If your horse doesn’t like standing still for a spray down or you want to target specific areas that are hard to reach with a spray, try fly repellent wipes. These are good for areas like the ears, under the belly, or around wounds that you don’t want to directly put fly spray on. These Aloe Herbal Horse Fly Repellent Wipes are made with fly repelling oils like peppermint and cedar oil so they are a good alternative to products with harsh chemicals. 

These Aloe Herbal Horse Fly Repellent Wipes are made with fly repelling oils like peppermint and cedar oil so they are a good alternative to products with harsh chemicals.

2. Create a Barrier

If your horse has an open wound that won’t heal because your horse is rubbing it against something to keep the flies away, cover the wound in a thick cream to create a protective fly-free barrier. Products like Vaseline or diaper rash cream work great because they will last for days and will help heal the wound.

3. Start From the Inside

If your barn is constantly full of flies or you don’t have a good place to dispose of manure, you might need to try some additional measures like a supplement that helps keep insects away. Nature’s Force Horse Bug Clear uses really advanced technology that actually creates an insect repellent from the inside out. All you have to do is add it to the horses in your barn’s feed and let their digestive system do the rest!

All you have to do is add Nature’s Force Horse Bug Clear to the horses in your barn’s feed and let their digestive system do the rest!

4. Blow Them All Away

To help keep those annoying gnats and flies out of your horse’s stall, put one or two fans at eye level so it will literally blow the flies off of them. Just make sure there aren’t any electrical cords in a place where your horse can reach. 

A fan in or near your horse’s stall will help keep flies out.

5. Make it Last 

For horses that live outside and need protection that won’t wear off from sweat and rain, find a product that is designed for long-acting fly control. These products are usually a thick gel or paste rather than a spray which helps them be more durable. Pro-Force Equine 50 Spot-On is a concentrated gel that kills and repels annoying flies, ticks, and mosquitos for up to two weeks. Each pack comes with 3 or 6 vials that have each dose measured on them with instructions for where and how much to apply to each body part of your horse for maximum protection. 

Pro-Force Equine 50 Spot-On is a concentrated gel that kills and repels annoying flies, ticks, and mosquitos for up to two weeks.

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