I’m not trying to complain…woe is me, but Al Dunning just returned from doing a series of clinics on several of the Hawaiian?islands. While Erin and I definitely have fun on our photo shoots, we’ve yet to have an assignment out of the continental U.S. (I’m still hoping for the European reining finals in Italy or Germany.) Thought we’d share a few pics of Al in action in the tropics.
Not only would it be amazing to participate in a clinic with Al, but I’m so envious of where these people get to ride! I’m sure a lot of you ride in pretty parts of the country, and while I’d never miss a second on my horse here, it would be fabulous to ride outside the Dallas concrete jungle every once in awhile. Anyone taken a fabulous clinic in some exotic (or semi-exotic) locale? Or, could you recommend one to me?
Check out these pics of Al “in his Hawaiian element…

DON’T FORGET:Enter for your chance to win a personal day of instruction with world champion trainer and Team H&R member Al Dunning at his Almosta Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona! You can bring your own horse or ride one of his. For more information and to enter, go to HorseandRider.com. [BTW: You can also enter to win a custom hat from J.W. Brooks, a Professional’s Choice goody package, and an 8-month supply of LubriSyn Joint Supplement!]