Behind the Scenes: H&R Photo Shoot

You got to meet our new intern, Laura, on Friday, and she mentioned that we talked her into doing a photo shoot for us already. That shoot was Friday morning, and we made sure our art director, Adam, came along to get some behind-the-scenes shots to share with you all. 

So, to tie these random and silly photos into a cohesive post, here are four things you need to know about an H&R photo shoot:

1. Be flexible. At the last minute, we might decide to add a belt to an outfit, subtract a scarf, clip a horse, change a headstall… etc. We’ve got to have quite the lineup of gear when we shoot for the magazine. In the photo below, Laura got to dawn her very first blinged-out Western belt and belt buckle, taken from my waist when we realized her outfit could use a belt. 

2. Beat Adam to the Shoot… or else he will rub it in and take photos of himself looking proud just to prove it. Also, if at all possible, don’t give Adam the camera. 

3. Smile pretty, no matter what. Our photo shoots always seem to take place at a barn. (Go figure, right?) And, you guessed it, animals live at barns. My boarding barn has lots of animals that love to find their way into our shoots, and whether it’s goats nibbling at your shoelaces, peacocks flying above your head, or dogs licking your hands, you’ve got to keep smiling at the camera. 

4. Always, always, bring somebody to throw the ball/stick/toy for Rena. My dog comes to all of our photo shoots, and she is fetch-obsessed. If you want to get any work done and keep her out of your shots, you’ve got to have someone on hand to throw the toy for her. In the case of this shoot, Adam was the designated toy-thrower, as well as being our behind-the-scenes photographer. 

There’s a look into our silliness in and out of the office. We’ll try and bring you along on some more of our shoots, and as the weather gets warmer, we’ll be doing plenty more!

(Note: Please ignore the dates on the photos, my point-and-shoot is a bit off!)

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