Parelli Photo Shoot Success

What do editors do to entertain themselves during an overnight photo trip, you might ask?

Well, as I packed for my first overnight H&R trip, I found myself wondering this very thing. How on earth would Jen and I keep ourselves entertained for the six-hour drive (each way) from Boulder to Pagosa Springs, Colorado, for the visit to the Parellis’ ranch?

It turned out to be much easier than I anticipated.

Settled into our rental car with an assortment of CDs, coffee, and snacks. We jammed out to Mumford & Sons and Reckless Kelly while we shared stories.

And, our arrival in Pagosa Springs was not a disappointment either.

Credit: Alexis Bennett Black Raspberry malt from The Malt Shoppe in Pagosa Springs.

The weather was beautiful and cooperative, despite our concerns during the drive down. Pat and Linda Parelli were on top of their game and welcoming as we settled in to take photos and complete interviews.

We got some great shots and saw awesome horses. Luckily for us we didn’t drive down with a trailer, or we likely would’ve found ourselves with an extra passenger for the trip home.

Along with the solid content that our hard work garnered, Jen and I walked away with some valuable travel knowledge as well.

Here are just a few of the “tips” that we picked up during the trip.

  • Boots are not the best foot attire for long walks, but are a necessary staple. 
  • Though Iggy Azalea on a jukebox might convince us otherwise, a day spent in the car, dust, and sun does not make us fancy. And thus, burgers are the appropriate post-photo shoot ‘fine-dining’ choice.
  • Black raspberry is a flavor, and is delicious as a malt (see photo).
  • The drive home is always longer than the trip out.

The fun and productive adventure was not without a little homesickness on my part. There is something about friendly, well-broke horses that makes you miss your own. So it is likely that the next road trip that I make will have to be one with my own horses, Colorado-bound from my family’s place in Idaho.

Until this happens, I plan to get my horse fix through shows, events, and photo shoots and by living vicariously through my co-workers stories of newly acquired pets (like Jen’s family and ‘Paint’).

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend filled with family and friends; good barbecue; and, of course, plenty of horseback riding.

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