Two months into our Fan of the Month contest, things really seem to be rolling along and we love seeing your pictures and hearing your stories.
We’ve heard from many of our Facebook users that the contest is a great way to share their photos and stories with other like-minded horse lovers. It’s also been a fun way for fans to compete with one another to bring in the most “Likes” on their photos.
One problem we ran into last month, which we hope is fixed, was that some fans’ photos were not being uploaded into our “Fan Photos” album. All of our settings are open so that whatever photos fans upload should appear in the Fan Photos album. Last month, though, a glitch prevented this from working as it should.
Judging by the way our page is currently working, all users who have tried to upload a photo as of late have had success in it loading to the Fan Photos album. It appears that the glitch that was preventing this has been fixed by Facebook administrators. We were not the only page that reported this type of problem, as last month’s contest began just as Facebook switched to its new profile.
Also, some people are running into problems uploading photos and having people find their photos ifthey have their own privacy settings zipped up tight. While it’s absolutely understandable and important to protect one’s privacy online, for this contest you may need to adjust your privacy settings to allow other users to interact with your shared content. This must be a personal decision as to whether or not you want to allow other users to view and comment on your uploaded content, but for the purposes of this contest, some privacy settings may need to be adjusted. Very few people have run into problems with this, but I just want to clear up any confusion you may be having with regards to why some people may not be able to see or “Like” your photo.
So, the drill is the same as the last two months: We’re asking our Facebook fans to upload a photo of themselves and their horses to our Wall. Then we want you to tell us your name and your horse’s name in the caption of the photo.
Here’s the most important part: Tell your friends that you’re in a contest to become Horse&Rider’s Facebook Fan of the Month. Don’t spam them with hundreds of messages, but do your best to let them know about the contest. Send them over to, and have them “Like” your photo. (The first must “Like” Horse & Rider Magazine to be able to “Like” your photo!) The photo with the most “Likes” on Jan. 20 will be named the Facebook Fan of the Month!
By sharing your photo with us and entering this contest, you’ll be vying for a spot on this very blog, where our editors will profile you and your horse, your horse life, and your experiences in the horse world. Check out our interviews with December’s Fan of the Month Denise Willard and January’s Fan of the Month Abby Yarkosky to learn more about what you’ll win!