As I’ve mentioned before in this blog, one of my jobs at the magazine is to write the monthly “We’d Love to Own” page.

This page is a lot of fun to produce, and I certainly get to learn about some really cool horses and their owners.
However, it’s not very often that I get to “meet” an LTO horse (what we call them in the editorial office).
That changed when I went home last week for the Fourth of July.
Though I wasn’t able to go up and pet him, I had the pleasure of seeing Keegan J (March 2013, pg. 19) and owner Emily Jewell riding in my hometown’s Fourth of July parade. He certainly is an impressive guy!
I also surprised Emily when I called out, “That’s Keegan, right?” as she and the stallion passed by!
Two days later, I was able to meet Frankly Zippin, aka Frankie (July 2013, pg. 19) and his owner Larry Murfitt.
Though Larry told me how big Frankie is (16.2 hands) in our interview, it was lost on me until I was leading him around the barn. Compared to the small reiners that I’m used to working with, Frankie was HUGE! Nevertheless, he proved himself to be a sweet and gentle giant.
My good friend Sabrina Tarter (and the photographer of Frankie’s shot in the magazine) boards her horses in a neighboring pasture and was kind enough to get a quick shot of Frankie’s and my introduction.
It’s so nice when I can put faces to names of both people and horses I’ve worked with or written about in the pages of H&R!