Our Favorite Things

Compiled by Managing Editor Jennifer Paulson

It’s the nostalgic time of year, when we look back and fondly remember the good times (and the not-so-good times) of the past 12 months. I asked each of the editors of Horse&Rider to send along their favorite projects of 2013 to share with you, in case you missed any of these high points, whether in the print magazine, on social media, or in our blogs. We hope you’ve enjoyed and learned from what we’ve shared this year, and we look forward to adding to that offering in 2014. Heck, we’re already working on the March 2014 issue as I write this! Happy holidays to you all, and we hope you join us on our lope down memory lane.

Editor/Associate Publisher Juli S. Thorson

Editor/Associate Publisher Juli S. Thorson

1. Attending and reporting on the annual Western and English Sales Association Market in Denver in January, including “Hat News” and “Miles of Styles.”

2. Writing “Best Farm Fixes” for the July 2013 issue, because I’d have appreciate such a piece myself, way back when.

3. Communicating one on one with readers, anytime I get to meet them.

Senior Editor Jennifer Forsberg Meyer

Senior Editor Jennifer Forsberg Meyer

1. Managing my blog,?The Thinking Rider. I especially love it when I hit on a topic, like July?s ?When Your Horse Bullies You,? that touches a nerve and provides readers with tools they need to overcome a challenge.

2. Getting reader feedback on online dating for horse folk, via our February Gallop Poll. Almost a third of respondents said they might try it someday, and the corresponding feature I wrote for that same issue (?I Met My Sig-O Online?) told them how the process works.

3. Writing the feature on Kim Lindsey, the mom who went on to win a working cow horse championship at the 2013 AQHA Select World Show on her late son?s horse (to be published in the February 2014 issue). That woman?s strength of character inspired me so much.

Managing Editor Jennifer Paulson

Managing Editor Jennifer Paulson

1. Setting up our Instagram account (HorseandRiderMag) and posting photos to it. It’s really fun to be able to show our followers what we’re doing behind the scenes, post photos that I take at the barn, and share sneak peeks of our covers.

2. Our May 2013 shoot with photographer Mallory Beinborn. She’s such a talent, and I learned a lot from her in just 36 hours together. You’ve seen her work on the majority of our 2013 covers and will continue to in 2014.

3. Working on the “Futurity Prep, With Andrea Fappani” series. Andrea is a class act, a superb horseman, and a great communicator?even with that fabulous Italian accent. I looked forward to our monthly visits and sharing what he was working on with his young stars-to-be with our followers. I look forward to working with him again.

Assistant Editor Julie Preble

Assistant Editor Julie Preble

1. Writing the April feature on helmets (“Helmets 101“). I was surprised by how much I didn’t know about choosing a helmet, and I felt much more informed after writing it. It was also a fun challenge to take what potentially could’ve been a boring topic and make it into an enjoyable article.

2. Attending the American Horse Publications conference in Colorado Springs. It was a very informative seminar, but my favorite part was getting to meet so many of my fellow colleagues and horse lovers. I work with many of them on a daily basis, and I love being able to put a face to a name.

3. Managing our social media. This has been a tremendous year for growth in overall social media and for our pages. I’ve enjoyed being on the “front lines” trying out new social platforms such as Pinterest and incorporating those platforms into our strategy. I also enjoy finding out what makes our social-media audience tick and what makes them want to interact with us.

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