Can You Pass This Hoof Health Test?

This Hoof Health Quiz is part of our Joint and Hoof Health Awareness Month. Brought to you by Cosequin Joint Health Supplements.

Answer the questions, then check at bottom for the key. For more fun and educational information about horse hoof health and joint care, click the links below.

can you pass this healthy hoof test? Test your skills below.
Photo by valerivatel/


True or false: Any horse can eventually be ridden barefoot, given enough time to adapt plus the right trimming and management.

T / F


True or false: A barefoot horse should have his hooves trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks, just like a shod horse.

T / F


True or false: Pull-on hoof boots are the latest innovation to help barefoot horses remain comfortable on various terrain.

T / F


To maximize the hoof health of your barefoot horse, you should…

A) give him as much turnout as possible.

B) Supplement as needed.

C) keep him on the type of footing you typically ride him on.

D) all of the above.

HOW’D YOU DO? (Answers below.)

1. F is correct. Although many (and perhaps a majority) of horses can ultimately perform under saddle without shoes, some may need hoof boots to be ridden in certain circumstances. If you’d like to try the “barefoot way” with your horse, educate yourself on the topic, then use common sense and the advice of professionals to guide you.

2. T is correct. Ideally, a barefoot horse should be trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks by a hoof-care professional knowledgeable about this method of trimming. A traditional pasture trim or prep-for-shoeing isn’t necessarily the same as a trim based on natural hoof dynamics, but a “barefoot trim” can be learned by any interested farrier.

3. F is correct. Pull-on hoof boots in a wide variety of styles are old news; the full range of what’s now available includes glue-on boots, specialty pads, flexible epoxy fillers, casting material for custom fabrication, and more.

4. D is correct. All of these management strategies will affect how well your horse does without shoes. Constant movement over terrain similar to what you ride on helps his hooves become strong and adapt to that surface. Correct nutrition helps maintain the integrity of his hoof capsules.

Learn More about Joint and Hoof Health Month Here:

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