Trivia Challenge: Deworming Horses

Answer the questions, then check at the bottom for the key. For more fun and educational information about horses and horsemanship, read H&R’s ‘The Ride’ newsletter. (Not getting it? Sign up below.)

Answer these trivia questions about deworming horses and check your answers at the bottom of the quiz! 

1. True or False: It’s okay for all horses to have internal parasites. 


2. This is a symptom of an internal parasite in a horse. 

a. Weight loss 

b. Lethargy 

c. Lack of appetite 

d. All of the above. 

3. Which is the most harmful worm for horses? 

a. Small strongyles 

b. Large strongyles

c. Pinworms

d. Tapeworms 

4. True or False: You or your veterinarian should perform a regular test to see if your horse has worms or not. 


[More on Deworming: Introduction to Deworming Horses]

How’d You Do? 

1. Answer: True. 

It’s part of being a horse! Worms are a normal occurrence in horses at all stages of life. A low worm load will have little or no effect on a horse’s health, but a high worm load can cause serious health issues.

2. Answer: d; all of the above. 

Depending on the worm type and worm load, signs can be as subtle as seeming a little “off” or as severe as ulcers or colic. Symptoms of internal parasites include weight loss, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite, poor performance, diarrhea, constipation, dull coat, colic, and poor growth in foals.

3. Answer: b; large strongyles. 

Also known as red worms or bloodworms, large strongyles are among the most harmful worms for horses. The S. edentates and S. equinus species are blood feeders that can cause anemia and weakness, and the S. vulgaris can cause arterial blockage leading to intestine damage and even rupture.

4. Answer: True. 

A fecal egg count test can provide a wealth of information, including whether your horse has worms, which kind, and suggestions for which dewormer to use. Your veterinarian can perform the test or you can test with a convenient at-home kit that is then analyzed at a veterinary laboratory.

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