Trivia Challenge: Do You Know These Grooming Hacks?
Challenge yourself! Have fun and test your knowledge of horses and horse health with Horse&Rider’s Trivia Challenge, featured in The Ride newsletter.
Illustration by Navah Rae Adams

1. True or false: Tending to your horse’s chestnuts can enhance the appearance of his tail.

T / F

2. True or false: Baby oil is the best finishing touch on your horse’s face to enhance any dark areas around his eyes and muzzle.

T / F

3. True or false: When grooming a mane or tail, you should start at the bottom and work up.

T / F

4. True or false: When you bathe your horse, plain water is the best final rinse, especially if he has a dark-colored coat.

T / F

HOW’D YOU DO? (Answers below.)

1. T is correct. “Snaggy” hind chestnuts (those oval spots inside the legs near the hock and knee) can catch the strands of that long, full tail you’ve been nurturing and interfere with its natural flow when your horse is in motion. So make sure your horse’s chestnuts are reasonably flat and smooth.

[RELATED: Grooming tips for a best first impression in the show pen.]

2. F is correct. Baby oil is too, well, oily. A commercial face-enhancing product will provide a more natural sheen plus avoid attracting as much dust.

3. T is correct. Starting at the bottom and working up enables you to avoid the pulling that can break hairs. Place a wide-tooth comb an inch from the bottom of a tress and carefully work it downward without exerting a strong pull (commercial detanglers help with knots). Then move the comb up two or three inches higher and detangle downward again. Continue inching your way upward like this until the whole segment is smooth.

[RELATED: Help your horse overcome the grooming grumpies.]

4. F is correct. A natural, inexpensive rinse of one part apple cider vinegar to four parts water makes an ideal final rinse, cutting through any remaining soap and adding a remarkable shine—especially to dark coats.

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