My favorite ride is the Fort Braden Tract of the Lake Talquin State Forest in North Florida. Miles of horse trails. My gelding Harley is great with water, which is good as there are lots of creek crossings.

Lily Hawkins, Florida
As a lover of nature I spend a lot of time outdoors. What I’m most looking forward to is riding my horse on that first warm spring day, along a winding trail through the woods, taking in the beauty of the first spring wildflowers.
Carol Jones, Ontario, Canada
Deer Creek Hills at the Sacramento Valley Conservancy is my favorite. Over 4,000 acres of rolling grasslands, oak trees, and wildlife. The bonus in spring is that it’s green! No better way to spend a day with friends, on horses.
Tamara Winchell, California
Mustang country! Stagecoach, Nevada, in the spring is a special place. Wild mustangs have their babies out in the hills. It’s such a pleasure to ride the wild-horse-trampled traces and see new, energetic foals romping around, exploring their new world.
Harold Roy Miller, Nevada
My family loves the Longleaf Trail in Louisiana’s Kisatchie National Forest. It goes on forever, with so many different terrains, and it’s just beautiful.
Linda Perrington, Louisiana
I’m headed back to the Vee Bar Ranch in Laramie, Wyoming, this spring and can’t wait! Excellent horses, astounding scenery, different trail rides every day, then delicious meals and comfortable cabins. What more could I ask for?
Dorothy Michalak, Indiana
I’d say a ride at dawn, bareback. Maybe a midnight ride, too. My horse Zipto would be perfect for the job. The next best thing to that? Galloping through a field tackless. I have some big plans for 2016!
Kelsey Aulgur, Missouri
Bucktail Trail runs across the western state border of Virginia into West Virginia, within the George Washington National Forest. It’s a lovely mountain trail for horseback riding and hiking, too—we encountered several hikers on the trail the last time we were out.
Nikki Blum Carter, West Virginia
My family and I are looking forward to going back to The Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky. We went last year and loved it. It was a great bonding time for my gray Quarter Horse mare, Cede, and me.
Abbie Harness, Tennessee
I can’t wait to ride at our county park again. There’s a steep, challenging hill near the trail’s halfway point that my mare and I love to tackle. It used to scare us both, but we’ve grown as a team and now trust that we’ll make it up…and have a blast, too.
Dana Kerkentzes, Pennsylvania