Get to our first real show. My Half-Arabian gelding Jasper and I have competed in a lot of open “fuzzy wuzzy” schooling shows, but this year I plan to make it to some of our club’s pointed events.

Terise Markus, California
Attend a horsemanship clinic. We’re lucky to have several good clinicians in our area. I just need to decide which one’s best for me and my Quarter Horse mare.
Jimmie Ann Walters, Texas
Take my chestnut Peruvian gelding, Dublin, to our first competitive trail ride. After all, blazing a trail seems to be his specialty!
Emily Adams, Oklahoma
Go horse camping! I’m hoping my Quarter Horse gelding and I will finally get a chance to do that this summer, with friends who go several times a year.
Michelle Fisher, Colorado
Be on television with my horse! It’s a huge dream, but I think if we keep working, we have a chance. My yearling mare already knows many tricks and is in the American Quarter Horse Association’s Young Horse Development Program.
Megan D’Andrea, Ohio
Convince my Paint gelding to pick up his left lead as smoothly as he does his right.
Brittany Allander, Kansas
Paste-deworm my Haflinger mare without getting it all over her and me.
Barbara Marsden, Massachusetts
Try my hand at ranch sorting. It looks like so much fun, I think my Appaloosa gelding would be good at it, and now I have a friend and neighbor who’s involved in the sport. This is the year!
Elise Moore, Colorado
Improve my mare’s speed around barrels. She’s gotten much more consistent…now we just need to rev things up!
Terry Hanson, Florida
Walk out in the pasture and have my horse run up to me. That would certainly be a new experience for me and my mustang gelding.
Patrick Barrantes, Delaware
Rope calves off of my dad’s dun horse, Sisco. It’s the best part of a branding.
Jennifer Schrock, Wyoming
Buy a new saddle. I’ve always gotten hand-me-downs from my family or found used saddles on consignment at my local saddle shop, but I’ve been saving up for a Tucker trail model that caught my eye.
Taylor Davis, Oregon
Work hard, participate in official 4-H events, try many new things…and have lots of fun. I hope!
Jade Bartnicki, Utah