Taking Care of Rubber Reins
You've just purchased your first pair of rubber reins, but you aren't sure how to take care of them to make them last. We have some tips!

Taking care of your rubber reins is very different from taking care of leather reins. Here’s what you need to know about cleaning your rubber reins and how to keep them from melting or becoming gooey. 

Taking care of your rubber reins help them to last longer!

Cleaning the rubber. 

To clean the rubber, don’t use chemicals or other cleaners. The best way to clean the rubber is to place them in a bucket of water to soak. After soaking in a bucket, you may take them out and use a tooth brush to scrub the remaining dirt off. Once you’ve scrubbed rinse again and the rubber part will be clean! To keep your reins in their best condition, rinse/dunk your reins after every ride. 

Cleaning the leather. 

If your rubber reins have a leather part, be sure that when you’re cleaning them with leather cleaners and conditioners to avoid getting those on the rubber part.  If you’re cleaning the rubber part of your reins daily, try to avoid getting the leather wet or if you do spend extra time conditioning.


Avoid grooming products and fly spray.

If you can avoid using grooming products and fly spray on the areas your reins may touch, this will help them to last longer. If you must apply these products to your horse’s neck and other areas your reins may touch, we recommend rinsing/dunking your reins after your ride.  

Shop for new rubber reins! Try Challenger 54″ rubber reins, Kincade pastel rainbow rubber reins, or Showman 7′ barrel racing rubber reins

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