Have you ever noticed those callus-like growths on the inside of your horse’s legs above the knee on the front leg and below the hock on the hind? Those are called chestnuts, and they’re pretty harmless. Chestnuts are thought to be remnants of toe pads from before horses evolved to having single hoofs and are made of the same tissue as the hoof.
Some people like to trim their horse’s chestnuts for aesthetic purposes, but it’s not usually necessary. A lot of times the chestnut will be fairly easy to peel off but sometimes they can become dry and hard, making it difficult to remove.
Tip of the Week: Try coating your horse’s chestnut in petroleum jelly or baby oil for a few days before trying to remove it.

A smooth removal of a chestnut will help prevent you from accidentally taking off too much tissue and causing a wound that could become infected.