Tip of the Week: Winter Riding

If you have a hard time riding your horse during the winter because of snow and bad weather, try this tip!

If you live in an area that gets heavy snow and bad weather during the winter, being able to ride consistently can be a hard task, especially if you don’t have an indoor riding area. Start planning for the months where you will be snowed in with this tip. 

Tip of the Week: Ask local riding clubs and arenas if they have haul-in days. 

A lot of facilities that host horse shows or other equine events will allow you to haul your horse in for a few hours of riding in their indoor arena. If they don’t offer this, suggest it! Some facilities charge a small fee which can be a great fundraiser for local clubs. 

A quick Google search will help you find arenas near you and the contact information you need to inquire about haul-ins. 

[More on winter riding: Make Winter Riding Fun]

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