Celebrating—With Horses

You describe a special holiday activity that involves your horses.

I always make a hot bran mash for my horses on Christmas morning. There’s no plumbing in our barn, so I bring a thermos of hot water and mix together bran, chopped apples, and crushed peppermints. The horses say, “Ho-ho-ho!”

Mandy Lyson, Colorado

I bake Christmas cookies for my horse. Then I dress us both up in holiday colors and we go for a trail ride in the cold weather. It’s always relaxing and it really puts me in the holiday spirit.

Bridgette Rosebrugh, California

On Thanksgiving we take our horses out for a special ride, then go home and eat a delicious dinner!

Jessica Cain, Oregon

Every year, late on Christmas Eve, our herd of Angus and our horses get an extra pail of feed/treats. It’s something our family has done for generations.

Donna Wilson, Ontario, Canada

A local club sponsors a yearly holiday schooling show. Competitors dress up, and you see a lot of Santa hats on horses and bells on saddle blankets. My horse wears alternating red/green polo wraps.

Amber Harris, Texas

It’s not the holidays without a bobsled ride behind a team of horses wearing bells. I’ve enjoyed this special activity since I was a kid.

Abby Gilbert, Ohio

A few nights before Christmas, we saddle up and go caroling around our rural area. Our neighbors now know to have carrots and apples as well as holiday cookies to treat us with.

Brenna Stridham, California

Our city holds an annual Christmas parade, complete with horses. I’m still trying to decide if my Blue
can handle the fire-truck sirens.

Ashlynn Abernathy, Alabama

Our barn always has a holiday potluck, right in the main aisle. We decorate with live green boughs and red bows. Great food for us, plus treats for each horse in every stall.

Mariana Coulson, New Mexico

My husband wrote a sweet poem, “The Horse Who Saved Christmas.” We display that poem at our boarding barn, along with a colorful basket filled with carrots and apples. There’s also a card “from” our two horses to all their barn buddies, wishing them Happy Trails.

Linda Avery, Oregon

Every year my 4-H club has a Halloween costume contest. Last year my Haflinger Debbie and I were a scarecrow and a farmer. This year, my mom’s Appaloosa, my little sister, and I were Three Blind Mice. It’s always fun!

Mallory Sensenig, 11, Pennsylvania

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