Keeping your horse fly-free and comfortable when turned out during fly season is no easy task. Great fly control for horses has several components, and the right products can help keep the annoying, disease-spreading insects at bay. If your horse is struggling with the flies this season, try upgrading up your routine with these four fly control solutions.
Use an effective fly spray.

Choosing the right fly spray for your horse can seem daunting as there’s so many options. Keep in mind the best fly repellent for horses does more than just repel flies—look for a formula that also repels gnats, ticks, and mosquitoes, too. You will also want to choose a formula that stays active, even in wet or sweaty conditions. Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray for Horses protects your horse from biting and nuisance flies, gnats, and deer ticks. The sweat-resistant formula works in the toughest conditions, providing up to 14 days of fly control.
Use a topical treatment.
If your horse lives outside, he needs protection that won’t wear off when he sweats or in the rain. A topical product that is designed for long-acting fly control can be a great solution. One such product is Equi-Spot Spot-On Protection for Horses. This topical treatment is applied once every two weeks and provides long-lasting control against dangerous ticks that can spread Lyme disease and mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus and Equine Encephalitis, as well as biting flies and gnats.

Consider a feed-through fly control supplement.

Feed-through fly control products are another way to prevent infestation. Because they contain insect growth regulators (IGRs), manure dropped by a treated horse already contains the fly control, helping to break the fly life cycle by preventing the larva from developing into mature adults. Starting your horse on a feed-through fly control supplement like SimpliFly Feed-Thru Fly Control with LarvaStop and continuing throughout the summer until cold weather hits helps restrict fly activity and can help decrease the number of flies in your horse’s pasture. In order for feed-through fly control products to work their best, you’ll want to make sure each horse in the pasture is getting the appropriate ration.
Get a high-quality fly mask.

A properly fitting fly mask made of durable materials can be helpful in turnout during peak fly season. Ideally, the fly mask you choose should be constructed of a nonabrasive material with soft linings wherever the mask comes in contact with your horse’s face. If gnats or midges are a problem in your area, a mask with ear coverings made of soft-netting that slips easily over the ears may be preferable. The SuperMask II Horse Fly Mask is a great option as it has a variety of sizes, is made of durable and comfortable materials, and has options both with and without ear coverings.
When fitting your horse’s fly mask, make sure it is adjusted properly. Look for a happy medium fit. You do not want your fly mask so snug that it causes rubs, but not so loose to allow pests inside. During the worst of fly season, consider applying fly repellent around his face where the mask doesn’t offer protection.