American Bashkir Curly Registry ~ Frequent Rider Championship Program
Description: Frequent Rider Program members may enter one of two divisions — Casual and
Competitive. In the Casual Division, members log the distance or time they spend in forward motion in the saddle of their American Bashkir Curly. Qualifying activities may include competitive events; not recognized is participation in shows, demonstrations, or parades. Time/distance is accumulated each calendar year and submitted by January 31 of the following year. Once a horse has been ridden 500 miles, it must move to the Competitive Division, in which participants submit information spent on organized rides, including competitive trail rides, trail trials, endurance rides, and sponsored rides of known distance that can be verified. Members submit miles within 30 days of the event; a ride secretary must verify all miles.
Eligibility: Riders must be members of the ABCR and ride an ABCR-registered horse. Participants choose the registration category of rider, youth (riders 17 and under), or horse. Members pay a signup fee of $10.
Awards: Champion and Reserve Champion Awards are presented each year to the high-mileage achievers.
American Gaited Pony Registry ~ Riding & Driving Program
Description: AGPR Riding & Driving Program members record on official log sheets each hour spent riding or driving their American Gaited Ponies. Any type of riding or driving qualifies, including trail riding, parades, training for or competing in shows, and ranch work. Hours are submitted annually. An awards program for competitive trail and endurance events is also available through the Registry’s Performance Program division.
Description: Pathways Program participants log on official log sheets hours spent riding or driving for pleasure. The program offers two divisions, one for registered Morgans and one for Half-Morgans. Qualifying activities are pleasure (or noncompetitive) trail rides or drives, training or lesson sessions, conditioning or working under saddle, and other riding or driving purely for pleasure. Not recognized is time spent showing, competitive riding, or grooming. Hours are cumulative and there is no limit to the amount of time taken to achieve award levels.
Eligibility: Program members in either division must be AMHA members for each year they log hours. Horses must be registered Morgans for the Registered Morgan Division, or have a registered Morgan sire or dam for the Half-Morgan Division. Participants in either division may ride more than one horse when accruing program hours. They pay a $15 annual fee.
Awards: Pathways participants earn awards such as water bottles, sweatshirts, and leather halters as they move through 10 hour-accumulation levels from 75 to 10,000 hours.
Eligibility: All ponies used to accumulate hours must be AGPR-registered, though they don’t need to be owned by the rider/driver. The rider or driver may use more than one pony (separate log sheets must be used for each pony). Program participants must submit log sheets by January 10 each year. Members pay an annual fee of $25 per pony to participate.
Awards: Participants qualify for awards at eight achievement levels, from 250 to 5,000 hours.
American Haflinger Registry ~ Golden Path Recreation Program
Description: Program participants record their hours spent annually riding, driving, or doing ground work with their Haflingers. All hours spent in the saddle, on the box, or ground-work training (such as ground-driving, longe-line work, or round-pen work) qualify. Hours follow the horse, which may accrue hours with various riders or drivers. Hours must be submitted annually by January 31 for the previous calendar year; since 2008, participants may build on existing hours for as long as they remain in the program.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain membership in the AHR while accumulating program hours, and must ride or drive (but don’t need to own) an AHR-registered Haflinger. AHR members may enroll a youth on a member-owned Haflinger. The program is free as part of AHR membership.
Awards: Program participants receive recognition and awards upon achieving any of 15 designated levels, from 25 to 5,000 hours.
American Indian Horse Registry ~ Award Programs
Description: The AIHR offers several awards programs for trail riders. In the Horseback Hours program, AIHR members log hours spent riding, including trail riding, on their AIHR-registered horses or ponies. The Horseback Miles program logs miles ridden. Trail riders may also qualify for the Counting Coup-Trail award, which rewards those AIHR horse-and-rider teams that have accrued 100 points on organized trail rides. All programs are cumulative; no time limit applies when accruing hours or points.
American Paint Horse Association ~ PAC Recreational Riding Program
Description: Paint Alternative Competition (PAC) Recreational Riding program members record in their official time log each hour spent riding or driving their Paint Horse, including on trail rides. While PAC credits may be awarded for all hours spent riding, hours at a show, for example, may be attributed to only one PAC category at a time.
Eligibility: Program participants must maintain regular or youth membership in the APHA while accruing hours, and pay an annual PAC enrollment fee of $30. Hours logged must reflect riding or driving a Regular Registry or Solid Paint-Bred Paint Horse owned by an APHA member, although the rider/driver doesn’t need to own the horse. Each hour logged stays on the horse’s permanent performance record.
Awards: PAC Recreational Riding participants receive recognition as they move through seven achievement levels, from 100 to 3,000 hours.
American Quarter Horse Association ~ Horseback Riding Program
Description: AQHA and American Quarter Horse Youth Association members track on official log sheets their hours spent riding or driving—including training, showing, and exercising—their horses, and submit them to the AQHA annually by December 31. Participants may accrue hours on more than one horse but must use separate log sheets for each; hours may be submitted online. Riders can earn double hours for time spent on official AQHA Trail Rides. Members may choose one or both of the American Quarter Horse or the All Breeds divisions.

Eligibility: Participants must maintain AQHA, AQHYA, or Amateur membership in the association, one program enrollment per membership. All horses used in the American Quarter Horse division must be registered with the AQHA, although the rider doesn’t have to own the horse. Each participant pays a one-time $35 enrollment fee.
Awards: The Horseback Riding Program is sponsored by Professional’s Choice and SmartPak. Members of the American Quarter Horse division earn awards as they accumulate hours, moving through 15 levels, from 25 to 5,000 hours. Members in the All Breeds division also earn recognition as reach achievement levels up to 2,000 hours.
Appaloosa Horse Club ~ Saddle Log Program
Description: Participants record their hours spent riding or driving their Appaloosas; hours are logged online. Qualifying activities include trail riding, pleasure riding and driving, training, competing in shows, riding in parades, and doing ranch work. A program for disabled riders and drivers is also available, as is a program that rewards participants for miles logged on approved endurance and competitive trail rides.

Eligibility: Saddle Log Program participants must be current ApHC members, and the horses ridden must be ApHC-registered Appaloosas. Members may ride multiple (registered) horses; they don’t need to own the horses. Adults pay an annual $25 enrollment fee; youths (up to age 19) pay a one-time fee of $20.
Awards: Saddle Log Program participants receive a program patch upon enrollment. They receive chevron bars upon completion of 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 hours, and at each 1,000-hour plateau thereafter. Gifts may also be awarded.
Arabian Horse Association ~ Frequent Rider Program
Description: Participants keep track of the time they spend engaging in noncompetitive riding or driving activities with their AHA-registered horses. Qualifying activities include trail riding, parades, riding lessons, training under saddle, ranch work, demonstrations, and pleasure riding or driving. All log-keeping is online. A competitive distance program is also available.
Eligibility: Frequent Rider program participants must maintain membership in the AHA while accruing hours. While each rider may ride any number of horses while achieving goals, the horses must be Arabians, Half-Arabians, or Anglo-Arabians registered with the AHA. (The rider does not need to own the horse.) No time limit applies when accumulating hours toward goals. Participants pay a one-time $25 enrollment fee.
Awards: Participants receive awards at nine milestones, from 25 to 10,000 hours. Awards include such items as lapel pins, hats, hay bags, and fleece jackets.
Draft Cross Breeders & Owners Association ~ Participation Award
Description: DCBOA members track the hours they spend riding or driving their DCBOA-registered Draft Crosses, up to 200 hours.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain their membership in the DCBOA while accumulating hours in order to qualify for the Participation Award, and must ride or drive a DCBOA-registered or -recorded horse.
Awards: Members earn a medal when they complete 200 hours (up to one medal per year per member).
Horse of the Americas ~ Awards Program
Description: The Horse of the Americas Awards Program acknowledges accomplishments of HOA members and their Colonial Spanish Horses for participation in various equine activities, including pleasure trail riding and driving, and competitive trail and endurance riding. Points are given in a variety of categories based on the HOA Point System; awards are given based on number of points earned. The program offers awards under two umbrella categories: accumulative awards (in which points are carried into consecutive years until points are reached) and annual awards.
Eligibility: Program participants must be HOA members and riding an HOA-registered horse. Each award category has its own requirements; visit the website for details. Points must be submitted by January 15 for the previous calendar year.
Awards: Annual awards for trail riders include the Pleasure Riding Trail Horse of the Year and Pleasure Driving Trail Horse of the Year (for points earned for hours spent on pleasure or organized trail rides or drives) and the Competitive Trail Horse of the Year and the Endurance Trail Horse of the Year (for points earned during competitive trail and endurance rides, respectively). Accumulative awards open to trail riders include the Sundance Award (300 points) and the Legends Award (500 points).
International Andalusian & Lusitano Horse Association ~ Recreational Rider Program
Description: Recreational Rider Program participants record on official log forms the hours they spend riding or driving their full- or half-bred Andalusians. Qualifying activities include such activities as trail rides (organized or not), pleasure riding, reining and cattle work, parades, and demonstrations. Not recognized is time spent in lessons, at clinics, and at shows and competitions.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain membership in the IALHA while accumulating hours, and must ride an IALHA-registered full- or half-bred Andalusian that they own or lease. Riders or drivers pay an annual $25 fee.
Awards: Participants submit their hours when they’ve achieved the milestones of 100, 250, or 500 hours. Achievement levels are recognized with certificates, recognition in the IALHA magazine and website, and a small award or gift, depending on the level. Riders receive the Platinum Recreational Rider Award (including a trophy) for any 100-hour mark after 500.
International Curly Horse Organization ~ Curlies in Action Program
Description: Curlies in Action program participants track on official log sheets the hours and/or miles they spend with their Curlies in non-show activities. Hours may be tracked in various categories, including trail riding and competitive trail and endurance riding, and are converted to points using an activity-specific formula. Points and mileage are tracked from January 1 through December 31 annually; log forms must be submitted by January 15 each year. Points and mileage are cumulative from year to year.
Eligibility: Participants must be members in good standing of the ICHO, and must ride or drive a Curly registered with the North American Curly Horse Registry/ICHO. Members pay a $5 annual program fee per Curly.
Awards: All participants receive an annual certificate documenting their points and mileage earned, and a yearly high-point/mileage recognition is awarded in each category, along with a cumulative overall high-point/mileage award.
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association ~ Trail Rider’s Club
Description: Club participants track their trail-riding miles and submit them on official log sheets to the KMSHA. The trail or group leader (or solo rider) fills out the entire log sheet for each ride.
Eligibility: Club participants must be current members of KMSHA or the Spotted Mountain Horse Association. The horses used for logging miles must be registered with the KMSHA or the SMHA, though the club member doesn’t need to own the horse. Members pay a $45 enrollment fee the first year and $30 to renew each subsequent year.
Awards: Participants are eligible for awards at six achievement levels, from 100 to 5,000 miles. There’s no time limit to achieve any level. Awards are presented at the association’s annual awards banquet or mailed to the recipient. Awards include caps, pins, apparel, and trophies.
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association ~ Fox Trot America Program
Description: Fox Trot America participants record on an official time log the hours they spend on non-competitive activities with their MFTHBA-registered horses; qualifying activities include pleasure trail riding, parades, ranch work, natural horsemanship, training, and pleasure riding or driving. Hours are logged separately for each horse entered in the program, and are submitted annually by January 31 for the previous calendar year, although hours are cumulative from year to year. A National Trail Ride program is also available for those association members who participate in MFTHBA-sponsored trail rides.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain membership in the MFTHBA and must ride or drive—but don’t need to own—a registered Missouri Fox Trotter while accumulating hours. They pay a one-time enrollment fee of $30 per application (one horse per application; program enrollment stays with the horse). At least one log sheet must be submitted annually to maintain enrollment in the program.
Awards: Awards are based on the number of hours each entered horse is ridden or driven by a MFTHBA member; awards stay on the horse’s permanent record. Gift awards and patches are awarded as the horse reaches five achievement levels, from 100 to 1,000 hours; participants may purchase jackets and custom-designed silver buckles at reduced prices for each 500-hour plateau reached thereafter. Yearly top finishers from each region receive an additional gift.
Mountain Pleasure Horse Association ~ Trail Riders Mileage Club
Description: Trail Riders Mileage Club participants maintain on official log sheets the miles they spend trail riding on their Mountain Pleasure Horse. Mileage is submitted in January for the previous year; if eligible for an award, mileage must be submitted by October 31 in order to receive the award at that year’s MPHA Banquet.
Eligibility: Participants must be active members of the MPHA and must ride (but don’t need to own) a registered Mountain Pleasure Horse. Members pay a $5 enrollment fee per year; club entry is free for those 17 and under.
Awards: Club participants are eligible for awards at five mileage levels, from 100 to 2,000 miles. Awards are presented at the Association’s annual Christmas dinner. Awards include such items as stickers, apparel, plaques, free MPHA membership, and recognition on the MPHA website.
National Spotted Saddle Horse Association ~ Trail Horse Recognition Program
Description: Trail Riding Program participants maintain a log of hours spent trail riding on their Spotted Saddle Horse. Participants may not log more than six hours a day. Each horse is enrolled separately, and hours can accumulate throughout the horse’s lifespan; riders may enroll more than one horse. Double hours are awarded for ride locations open to the public (such as a benefit ride) and triple hours are awarded for NSSHA-sponsored rides; log sheets must be signed or stamped by the NSSHA affiliate or ride host.

Eligibility: Participants must be members of the NSSHA while accruing hours, and riding a NSSHA-registered horse. Hours must be submitted by December 1 each year. Members pay a $10 enrollment fee per horse per year.
Awards: Awards are presented as participants reach eight achievement levels, from 50 to 1,500 hours. Awards are presented at the association’s annual awards banquet each January. Awards include such items as certificates, plaques, apparel, and tack.
National Walking Horse Association ~ Trail Riders Incentive Program
Description: TRIP members track their hours spent trail riding with their gaited horses. Separate official log forms are kept for each participating horse; a horse may accrue hours with any eligible rider or combination of riders. Hours spent on Best of America on Horseback rides or official NWHA-sanctioned trail rides count as double. Participants must submit their logs for the previous calendar year by January 7 to be eligible for annual high-hour awards; hours toward award plateaus accumulate year to year. A separate awards program for competitive trail and endurance riding is also available.
Eligibility: The program is open to any NWHA member on any gaited horse and to any gaited horse owned by a NWHA member. Horses accumulating hours must be gaited and owned by a NWHA member; they may accumulate hours with any rider or combination of riders. Only time spent in the saddle and moving while trail riding qualifies for accrual.
Awards: Program participants receive certificates at 100 hours and for each 250-hour level achieved thereafter. Annual awards are given for the high-hour adult rider, high-hour horse, and high-hour youth rider. A separate distance prize is also awarded to the TRIP member who accumulates the highest number of hours at American Field Trial events.
North American Peruvian Horse Association ~ Joy of Riding Program
Description: Joy of Riding members track the hours they spend in the saddle of their NAPHA-registered horses and submit them on official log forms once an achievement level has been reached. While participation in NAPHA-approved shows does not count toward hours accrued, almost all other riding activities do, including pleasure, trail, and arena riding, demonstrations, drills, open horse shows, and parades. An annual High Point Horse Award program for several categories, including Trail, is also offered.
Eligibility: Program participants must maintain their membership in NAPHA for each year in which hours are counted. They don’t need to own the horse(s) ridden, but any horse used for the program must a NAPHA-registered pureblood (or part-blood registered with the Peruvian Paso Part-Blood Registry) and owned by a NAPHA member. Members submit log sheets after each goal level is reached.
Awards: Joy of Riding members receive patches and certificates for reaching any of five achievement levels from 50 to 1,000 hours. Awards include such items as flashlights, bandanas, and fanny packs.
North American Saddle Mule Association ~ Versatility Trail Program
Description: Participants maintain records on an official log sheet, tracking hours spent riding or driving a saddle mule. Recreational, endurance, and competitive trail activities all qualify. Riding or driving on a trail in a United States or Canadian national park earns double hours. Participants send in log sheets once an award level has been reached or a minimum of once per year; hours may also be submitted online.
Eligibility: Participants must remain an active member of NASMA for the duration of time in which they seek a recognition level; hours are cumulative from year to year. They must ride or drive (but don’t have to own) a mule, hinny, or donkey. Participants pay a one-time enrollment fee of $20 per rider.
Awards: Participants receive certificates and other awards at each of 11 hour plateaus reached, from 50 to 5,000 hours; awards include t-shirts, horn bags, and halters.
North American Thoroughbred Society ~ Worldwide Trails Awards Program
Description: NATBS members track their hours spent trail riding or driving their NATBS-registered thoroughbreds and submit them on official log sheets. Training for and showing in endurance events, eventing cross country, and marathon driving all qualify. Members submit log sheets no later than January 15 for the previous year. Competitive trail and endurance award programs are also available. The competition year runs from January 16 to January 15 annually.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain continuous membership in NATBS to accrue hours for awards; at least one official log sheet must be submitted yearly. Hours accrued must be earned with the same NATBS-registered thoroughbred, and may be either for riding or driving, but not both. There is no time limit for completion of an award level. Participants pay an annual enrollment fee of $45.
Awards: Award certificates can be earned for nine achievement levels, from 50 to 4,000 hours.
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry ~ Trail Riding/Driving Awards Program
Description: NFHR members log on official forms the number of hours they spend trail riding and/or driving their Norwegian Fjord Horse. Both organized and informal trail rides qualify. Hours may be carried over from year to year but must be submitted annually by February 1. Other awards programs include Hours of Fun with Fjords — which tracks hours participants spend with their horses, including agricultural work, showing, participating in clinics, and trail riding — and Stepping Out with your Fjord/s, which tracks hours participants spend with their Norwegian Fjord in the public eye, including at shows, clinics, fairs, parades, and organized trail rides.
Eligibility: Program participants must maintain membership in the NFHR while accumulating hours, and must ride or drive an NFHR-registered horse. A rider/driver may register either with a specific horse or for multiple horses (separate applications are required). Members pay a $50 enrollment fee per application.
Awards: Participants are eligible for awards at five levels, from 100 to 2,500 hours. Awards include certificates, pins, and embroidered apparel, as well as acknowledgment in the Fjord Herald. High-hour riders/drivers in various age categories receive special acknowledgment.
Palomino Horse Breeders of America ~ Recreational Riding Program
Description: Participants record on official log sheets their hours spent recreationally riding or driving; accepted activities include trail riding, training, parades, and ranch work. Separate official log sheets are kept for each participating horse-and-rider or horse-and-driver combination.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain their PHBA membership during the time they accrue hours toward achievement levels; horses may be registered with the PHBA or any other breed registry, and may be of any color. Members pay a one-time enrollment fee of $25; each additional horse per rider/driver may be enrolled for $15. (PHBA Challenged Horseman participants may log hours on any horse, regardless of registration status, and don’t pay the $15 fee for additional horses.)
Awards: Program participants receive a GTRP patch upon enrollment in the program. Certificates of completion are awarded at eight levels of achievement, ranging from 50 to 5,000 hours. Participants may receive a specially designed belt buckle upon reaching 5,000 hours.
Paso Fino Horse Association ~ Pasos for Pleasure Program
Description: Pasos for Pleasure members use official log forms to record their hours spent riding or driving on the trail or elsewhere. Qualifying activities include everyday trail rides, arena work, saddle training, parades, and drill teams; hours spent on activities that earn PFHA points don’t qualify. Log sheets are submitted when an award level has been reached, and must be submitted by September 5 annually to be considered for the Top Pasos for Pleasure award. Other trail-riding award programs pegged to pleasure long-distance rides, endurance rides, and competitive trail rides are also available, as well as Ticket to Ride, which awards “tickets” for participating in such activities as trail competitions, parades, drill teams, and benefit events (participants receive one “ticket” for every five documented qualifying activities).
Eligibility: Participants must maintain current membership in the PFHA and ride (but need not own) a PFHA-registered Paso Fino. Special forms must be completed for participating in organized or sanctioned rides. Pasos for Pleasure applicants pay a one-time fee of $25; the Ticket to Ride program is free. Most other programs carry a fee of $10 per ride entry.
Awards: Pasos for Pleasure participants receive achievement patches and rewards upon reaching 11 goal levels, from 50 to 5,000 hours. An annual high award is given for hours logged between September 1 and August 31. Ticket to Ride awards are determined by an annual drawing. The other programs allow members to accumulate points toward an annual Horse of the Year in each category, as well as lifetime recognition awards.
Description: Participants work toward goal levels by recording on official log forms the hours they spend with their Pinto Horses in noncompetitive activities, including trail riding, driving, parades, drill teams, therapeutic riding, and riding lessons. Participants earn double hours for time spent riding in national and state parks, grasslands, and historic areas as recognized by the U.S. or Canadian National Parks Service, and on official PtHA trail rides.
Eligibility: Program participants must maintain membership in the PtHA while accumulating program hours, and must ride (but don’t need to own) a PtHA-registered horse. Individual log sheets must be kept for each horse. Participants pay a one-time enrollment fee of $35 per horse/rider combination.
Awards: Participants earn certificates and patches as they move through 15 achievement levels, from 100 to 20,000 hours.
Pony of the Americas Club, Inc. ~ Horseback Riding Program
Description: Participants track on official log sheets the hours they spend riding (including trail riding) or driving their POA.
Eligibility: Participants must maintain their POAC membership while accumulating program hours. While members may ride or drive any number of ponies, all must be POA-registered. Participants pay a one-time program enrollment fee of $25.
Awards: Riders and drivers earn certificates and patches as they achieve each of 10 award levels, ranging from 50 to 5,000 hours; hours can be carried over from year to year.
Purebred Morab Horse Association ~ Saddle Log Program
Description: Saddle Log program participants track on official log sheets hours spent riding their Morabs in non-recognized competition or riding, including trail rides. Participants submit log sheets annually, at the end of each show year, but hours are cumulative. Award programs for competitive trail and competitive endurance riders are also available.
Eligibility: Participants must be PMHA members in good standing, and must ride or drive a PMHA-registered Morab. Each Morab/rider (or Morab/driver) combination logs hours separately. Participants pay a $5 nomination fee when submitting log sheets.
Awards: Participants receive medallions when they’ve reached one of five hour plateaus ranging 100 to 1,000 hours, patches when they achieve any of three levels from 1,500 to 2,500 hours, and a t-shirt when they reach 3,000 hours logged.
Racking Horse Breeders’ Association of America’s Pleasure Association ~ Rack Across America
Description: Participants record in a log book hours they spend trail riding their Racking Horses. Only forward-moving hours qualify. Not recognized are show, competitive trail, endurance, and spectated events. (Such activities are covered under the RHBAA’s Versatility Program.) The program also allows riders who may not have access to trails but are not “training” their horses to accrue hours (including children in a therapeutic riding program). Each participant must delegate a “trail boss” to verify hours ridden. Riders are encouraged to ride with a buddy for safety. Participants submit their log books by December 31 each year.
Eligibility: Participants must maintainmembership in the RHBAA and the RHBAA’s Pleasure Association while accruing hours and must ride (but don’t need to own) a RHBAA-registered horse. Hours accumulated stay with the horse.
Awards: Participants earn patches and certificates at seven achievement levels, from 50 to 3,000 hours. Other awards include such items as halters and belt buckles.
Rocky Mountain Horse Association ~ Trail Mileage Program
Description: Participants track on program log sheets the miles they spend trail riding on their Rocky Mountain Horses. Qualifying activities include trail and pleasure riding, mileage completed at competitive-trail and endurance-riding events, and practice and conditioning miles for those events; schooling, clinic participation, riding at a recognized show, or riding in arena or other enclosed areas don’t count. Members mail in their log sheets annually by January 15 for the previous calendar year.

Eligibility: Participants must maintain their membership in the RMHA to accumulate mileage, and purchase a $10 annual “Rider Card” to cover their participation in RMHA programs. They pay an annual $20 for the Trail Mileage Program. Riders must accrue miles on (but don’t need to own) a RMHA-registered and -certified horse or horses, keeping separate log sheets for each horse.
Awards: Participants receive awards as they reach each of nine achievement levels, from 100 to 10,000 miles. Awards include such items as pins, apparel, and recognition in the RMHA magazine. Riders receive a patch for every 1,000 miles over 10,000.
Spanish Barb Horse Association ~ Recreational Riding Program
Description: Recreational Riding Program participants track on official log sheets hours spent riding or working with their horses. Eligible activities include ground work, riding, and driving, including participating in clinics, lessons, parades, ranch work, and so forth. Such activities as grooming, vet visits, and cleaning stalls or tack don’t qualify. Horse/rider teams receive 1.5 times actual hours logged when participating in SBHA-sponsored events.
Eligibility: Participants must be SBHA members in good standing, though they may ride any breed of horse. They pay a one-time $20 fee per horse/rider team.
Awards: Participants earn rewards and recognition on the SBHA website as they move through seven levels, from 25 to 1,000 hours. Awards include such items as coffee cups, apparel, and horse coolers.
Spanish Mustang Registry, Inc. ~ Points and Awards Program
Description: The SMR offers a number of noncompetitive and competitive awards program categories in which SMR members and their Spanish Mustang mounts can participate as trail riders, including the Compadre, Mileage, Endurance, and Competitive Trail categories. Horses accumulate points based on participation, mileage and, in the competitive categories, finishing placement. Forms must be sent in by February 1 each year for points accumulated the previous calendar year.
Eligibility: Horses that accrue points must be registered with the SMR and must be owned by an SMR member during the entire period points are accumulated; for most awards, the horse’s rider doesn’t need to be a member of the organization.
Awards: Certificates, trophies, plaques, and mileage patches are presented at the SMR Annual International Meeting in June. Points accumulated stay with the horse.
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders’ and Exhibitors’ Association ~ Distance Program
Description: Participants record on official log pages their hours spent trail riding or competing in trail events. They may participate in the Distance Program, for registered Tennessee Walking Horses, or the Open Gaited Distance Program, for unregistered Tennessee Walking Horses and all other breeds. Only time or mileage spent riding on trails may be logged for the program; arena riding or lesson hours don’t qualify. The TWHBEA encourages members to send in log sheets monthly or when an achievement level has been reached; log books must be submitted annually by November 1 for High Point awards, as the trail program year runs November 2 to November 1.

Eligibility: Each horse ridden for the Distance Program must be registered with the TWHBEA; the Open Gaited Distance Program accepts unregistered Tennessee Walking Horses and all other breeds. Owners and riders must be TWHBEA members in good standing during the time hours are accumulated.
Awards: Distance Program participants move through seven achievement levels, from 50 to 2,000 hours. They receive a jacket patch or chevron bars at each award level; additional awards include such items as apparel, halters, and saddlebags.
United States Icelandic Horse Congress ~ Pleasure Rider Program
Description: Participants log points through the Freedom Ride Time Log and through the Special Events Log. Freedom Ride Time Log participants log their time spent riding, driving, ground-driving, or ground-training; each hour logged is equivalent to one PRP point. Special Events Log participants receive points by participating in events with predesignated point values. These events include seminars, riding or driving in a group pleasure ride, endurance rides, trail trials, parades, and planning or hosting events; hours spent in these activities can also be included on the Freedom Ride Logs. Competing in shows doesn’t count toward Special Events points, although show hours can be included in the Freedom Ride Log. Time spent on activities for which the member is paid does not qualify. Points accumulate from year to year; members submit logs quarterly.

Eligibility: Participants must hold a current paid USIHC membership to accumulate points. Although participants don’t need to own their mounts, the horses must be USIHC-registered.
Awards: Freedom Ride participants receive recognition patches at 100 at 500 hours, a riding vest at 1,000 hours, and a t-shirt and bridle at 2,500 hours. Members with the highest total combined Freedom Ride hours and Special Events points win annual awards, including medals and a riding jacket, in regional and age-group divisions.
Walking Horse Owners Association ~ Happy Trails Program
Description: Participants track their time spent trail riding on their Tennessee Walking Horses, and is also open to other gaited breeds. Hours logged must be time spent in forward motion on trail rides. There is no time limit to achieve award levels. The program is divided into three age divisions: Youth (17 and under), Adult, and Elite (60 and over).
Eligibility: Program participants must be a member of WHOA for each year they participate. They may log hours on multiple horses, with separate enrollment and log sheets maintained for each horse. Horses may be registered or unregistered Tennessee Walking Horses, or another gaited breed.
Awards: Participants earn certificates, patches, and other awards, including recognition in WHOA’s online newsletter, as they move through eight achievement levels, from 50 to 2,000 hours.