Tennessee Trail-Riding Destinations
- Airpark Equestrian Stables, Big South Fork Airpark, Oneida; (865) 773-3637; www.bsfairpark.com
- Arnold Estates, near Gatlinburg; (800) 969-4504; www.arnoldestates.com
- Bandy Creek Stables, Jamestown; (423) 286-RIDE
- Bear Hollow Stable & Cabins, Great Smoky Mountains, Townsend; (865) 995-0412; www.bearhollowcabins.com
- Big Cove Ranch Bed and Barn, Erwin; (423) 743-3638
- Big Fork Campground, Allardt; (931)-879-6469; www.bigforkcampground.com
- Big South Fork Lodge and Horse Campground, Jamestown; (931) 879-4230; www.bigsouthforklodge.com
- Blairs Valley Ranch, Sevierville; (865) 214-3380; www.facebook.com/blairsvalleyranch
- Buffalo River Trail Ride, Inc., Waynesboro; (931) 722-9170; www.brtr.com
- Catoosa Ridge Stables and Campground, Crossville; (931) 397-7433;
- Cherokee Trails Campground and Stables, Bluff City; (423) 391-0118; www.cherokeetrailscampground.com
- Circle E Guest Ranch, Belvidere; (931) 962-1790; www.circleeguestranch.com
- Cowgirl Adventures, Jamestown; (269) 998-3495; www.cowgirladventure.com
- East Fork Stables, Jamestown; (800) 978-7245; www.eastforkstables.com
- Gilbertson’s Lazy Horse Retreat, Townsend; (865) 448-6810; www.lazyhorseretreat.com
- Honey Creek Horse Camp, Allardt; (931) 879-9950; www.honeycreekhorsecamp.com
- Horsin’ Around Hideaway, Jamestown; (609) 209-7264; www.horsinaroundhideaway.com
- Laurel Hill Trail and Camp, Lawrenceburg, (931) 722-4442; www.laurelhilltn.com
- Long C Trails, Inc., Westmoreland; (270) 618-7500; www.longctrails.com
- Loretta Lynn’s Ranch, Hurricane Mills; (931) 296-7700; www.lorettalynn.com
- Many Cedars Campground, Hohenwald; (931) 796-4384
- Meadow Creek Mountain, Parrotsville; (423) 623-7543; www.meadowcreekmountainranch.com
- Orchard Cove, Townsend; (423) 400-6667; www.orchardcovestables.com
- Ridgetop at Big South Fork, Jamestown; twohorsepeople@icloud.com
- Saddle Valley Campground, Jamestown; (931) 879-6262; saddlevalleycampground.com
- Sinking Cove Trail Rides, Sherwood; (931) 598-9247; www.theboloclub.com
- The Fork Lodge Equestrian and Dinner Club, Jamestown; (931) 879-9454
- Timber Ridge Horse Campground, Jamestown; (931) 879-7433; www.timberridgehorsecampground.com
- Trail’s End Cabin at Big South Fork, Jamestown; (706) 838-0392; http://tnhorsecabin.com/links.htm
- True West Campground and Stables, Jamestown; (931) 752-8272; www.truewestcampground.com
- Twin Valley B&B Horse Ranch, Walland; (865) 984-0980; www.twinvalleyhorseranch.com
- Zenith Stables and Campground, Allardt; (931) 879-5252; www.zenithstables.com
Tennessee Overnight Stabling
- Airpark Equestrian Stables, Big South Fork Airpark, Oneida; (865) 773-3637; www.bsfairpark.com
- Bandy Creek Stables, Jamestown; (423) 286-RIDE
- Bear Hollow Stable & Cabins, Great Smoky Mountains, Townsend; (865) 995-0412; www.bearhollowcabins.com
- Big Cove Ranch Bed and Barn, Erwin; (423) 743-3638
- Big Fork Campground, Allardt; (931)-879-6469; www.bigforkcampground.com
- Big South Fork Cabin, Jamestown; (706) 838-4519
- Big South Fork Lodge and Horse Campground, Jamestown; (931) 879-4230; www.bigsouthforklodge.com
- Blairs Valley Ranch, Sevierville; (865) 214-3380; www.facebook.com/blairsvalleyranch
- Catoosa Ridge Stables and Campground, Crossville; (931) 397-7433
- Cherokee Trails Campground and Stables, Bluff City; (423) 391-0118; www.cherokeetrailscampground.com
- East Fork Stables, Jamestown; (800) 978-7245; www.eastforkstables.com
- Flintlock Farm Inn & Stables, Chuckey; (866) 472-4430
- Gilbertson’s Lazy Horse Retreat, Townsend; (865) 448-6810; www.lazyhorseretreat.com
- Honey Creek Horse Camp, Allardt; (931) 879-9950; www.honeycreekhorsecamp.com
- Long C Trails, Inc., Westmoreland; (270) 618-7500; www.longctrails.com
- Meadow Creek Mountain, Parrotsville; (423) 623-7543; www.meadowcreekmountainranch.com
- Namaste Acres Barn Bed & Breakfast, Franklin; (615) 791-0333
- Orchard Cove, Townsend; (423) 400-6667; www.orchardcovestables.com
- Ridgetop at Big South Fork, Jamestown; twohorsepeople@icloud.com
- Saddle Valley Campground, Jamestown; (931) 879-6262; www.saddlevalleycampground.com
- Sinking Cove Trail Rides, Sherwood; (931) 598-9247; www.theboloclub.com
- Springbrook Inn, LLC, Niota; (423) 368-4690
- Station Camp Horse Camp, Oneida; (423) 569-3321; www.nps.gov/biso/planyourvisit/horsecamps.htm
- Timber Ridge Horse Campground, Jamestown; (931) 879-7433; www.timberridgehorsecampground.com
- Trail Horse Haven, Tellico Plains; (423) 253-2178; overhill2@tds.net
- True West Campground and Stables, Jamestown; (931) 752-8272; www.truewestcampground.com
Tennessee Guest Ranches
- Circle E Guest Ranch, Belvidere (931) 962-1790; www.circleeguestranch.com
- Tennessee Dude and Guest Ranch, Dunlap (423) 554-4677; www.tnhorsevacation.com