Horse&Rider Wants to Hear From You!
Find out how to tell Horse and Rider magazine about your horse life, ask questions or share your opinions.

Horse & Rider cares about your input. Contact us at, to submit your Conformation Clinic photos, My Collection stories, Problem Solved questions, and so much more!

Make sure to tell us which of the following departments you’re submitting material for, and include your name, mailing address, daytime phone number and email address. No unsolicited manuscripts, photos, or artwork will be returned. We reserve the right to edit for style, clarity and length.

My Collection: Do you have a neat collection of Western-related items? A wall full of Garcia bits? A trophy case filled with buckles you’ve won? We want to hear about your collection! Send us information, photos, and a brief description of your collection, why you started it, and your favorite pieces. 

Whole Horse Q&A: Send us your horse health, behavior, and hoof care questions.

Problem Solved: Got a problem with your horse? Let leading Western trainer, Al Dunning, help you out. To submit a question, send an e-mail to Please include your name and contact information, and be as detailed as possible when describing your problem so our experts can offer you the most helpful advice.

Winning Ways: Share a show-related topic you’d like to see covered in H&R.

Conformation Clinic: Send us a left-side view photo of your horse (make sure he’s well groomed, looking straight ahead, and standing on level ground–and try to avoid distracting backgrounds). Include your contact info and your horse’s breed, age, gender and height. Check out this helpful link for photography guidelines.

Your Horse Your Life: Share your “Solutions” or “Barn Hacks” to save time or money in your horse life.

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