Look Forward and Don’t Turn Back with Touched By a Horse

“Trust that the new higher ground upon which you’re standing, will be a reward in and of itself. There is no turning back.”

As we make progress towards our goals and move forward into the future, oftentimes, people and habits from our past will beckon us to return to our former selves. In this video brought to you by Touched By a Horse, hear from founder, Melisa Pearce. Melisa discusses the importance of not turning back and foregoing all of the progress you have made. Be prepared to make sacrifices and leave things in your past that no longer serve you.

[WATCH: How Horses Teach Us Grace]

Touched by a Horse offers two educational tracks for you to learn how to partner with your horses to help people lead better lives. Our in-depth programs are taught live online where you can interact with Touched by a Horse founder Melisa Pearce. Our Equine Gestalt Certification also includes several hands-on opportunities for you to develop your skills. And experience the power of equine healing personally. We have a large vibrant community of practitioners and a support system for our students and graduates that is unrivaled in the industry. Find out more today at TouchedbyaHorse.com.

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