Hours Yours And Mine
Barn name: Blondie.
Details: 2006 AQHA mare by The Radical Hour and out of One Pretty Blaze, by Blazing Hot.
Owned by: Kaleena Weakly, Shelbyville, Illinois.
Trained by: Jason and Jessica Gilliam, Greensburg, Indiana.
Unexpected all-arounder: “I bought her as a Western pleasure prospect,” Weakly says. “She did well in the pleasure, but it wasn’t her calling. I was also in the market for an all-around horse, but couldn’t find anything that fit the bill. One day, I decided to take her over the trail poles—she was 3. She was amazing, right off the bat. She learns things so fast. I didn’t expect a lot out of a junior horse in the all-around, but she was awesome.”
A success story: She won back-to-back AQHA All-Around Amateur High Point titles in 2011 and 2012,” Weakly touts. “She’s also a four-time Congress champion.”
Her royal highness: “She’s a princess,” laughs Weakly. “She’s really sweet and has a huge personality. At shows, everyone knows her name.”
Very photogenic: “She knows when (photographer) Mallory Beinborn is around and has the camera out. She puts her ears up and looks at the camera. She acts like a little model; she knows she’s pretty and loves the attention.”