Your Western Horse Life

Who: Anyone!
What:This is our general group, we encourage everyone to join to discuss anything horse related. We love to hear your stories and see pictures and videos of your favorite horse. We will also share articles and tips that may be helpful as you navigate your Western horse life.
Why: Get information from top horsemen and women in the Western industry and make new friends who also enjoy horses.
Where/How: Head over to Facebook and search Your Western Horse Life, then click join!
Parents of Horse-Crazy Kids

Who: Have child who’s crazy about horses? This group is for you!
What: The team at Horse&Rider is passionate about youth, especially youth involved with horses. This group is full of discussion about what children have been up to, questions about anything relating to kids and horses, and cute or funny pictures or videos of kids with horses.
Why: Whether you’re experiencing being the parent of a horse-crazy kid for the first time or you’ve been around the block a time or two, this group allows you to connect with fellow parents who may have the same thoughts or questions you have about parenting a horse-crazy kid.
Where/How: Head over to Facebook and search Parents of Horse-Crazy Kids, then click join!
Baby Boomers Horse Lovers’ Central

Who: Horse enthusiasts of the baby boomer generation.
What: This group offers tips for riding as you age and connects you with others who are around the same age and also still interested in and riding horses.
Why: Learn from fellow baby boomers and share your horse stories from over the years.
Where/How: Head over to Facebook and search Baby Boomers Horse Lovers’ Central, then click join!
Horse&Rider OnDemand

Who: The education-hungry horse owner.
What: Horse&Rider OnDemand is Horse&Rider’s training program that allows subscribers to watch horse care and training videos from trusted, proven resources. This group is for subscribers or anyone interested in subscribing to ask questions relating to Horse&Rider OnDemand, learn more about the program, and interact with Bud Lyon and Brad Barkemeyer.
Why: Access free playlists and be the first to hear about new content being released.
Where/How: Head over to Facebook and search Horse&Rider OnDemand, then click join!
Trail Riding Resources

Who: Trail riders, of course!
What: Horse&Rider has a wide range of trail riding resources that we want to make available for our audience. This group is a growing resource of information and a forum for trail riding discussion. We want to see your adventures and hear your trail riding stories.
Why: Connect with trail riders and let Horse&Rider be your top online resource for trail-riding destinations, horse camping, trail-horse training, on-trail safety, must-have trail gear, and an array of trail-horse breeds.
Where/How: Head over to Facebook and search Trail Riding Resources, then click join!