Team Horse & Rider’s Al Dunning Stars on Animal Planet

Behind-the-scenes details of Team Horse & Rider member Al Dunning's appearance on the Animal Planet series 'Untamed and Uncut,' as well as photos from the sets.

Editor’s note: In our September ’09 issue’s “Fun” department in Your Horse Your Life, we alerted you to Al Dunning’s upcoming appearances on The Discovery Channel’s Animal Planet in a series called “Untamed and Uncut.” On the show, Al analyzes footage of shocking horse accidents in Argentina and Mexico and explains how the Argentinean and Mexican cowboys could have avoided the accidents by using more humane, safe, and effective horsemanship skills.

Go to for specific dates and times of “Untamed and Uncut.”

Al Dunning | © Charles Brooks

Here, we’ve also provided a more detailed sketch of Al’s upcoming television stardom, as well as photos from the sets. (All by Charles Brooks, who works closely with Al.)

Team Horse & Rider member Al Dunning is breaking away from his hectic schedule of training, showing and doing clinics to star as the expert commentator for Animal Planet’s TV show, “Untamed and Uncut.”

Al has been a professional trainer since 1970 with a room full of world and reserve world championship trophies from the AQHA, NRHA, NRCHA and NCHA. His respected expertise in all facets of Western events and horsemanship and his proven winning tradition with Quarter Horses have established Al as the ideal choice for the series’ expert commentator.

“Untamed and Uncut,” produced by Cheri Sundae Productions in Hollywood, interviewed Al last season to discuss a rodeo accident in Argentina. Impressed not only with Al’s expertise, but also his engaging and straightforward demeanor, Animal Planet asked Al to return this season for three more segments of the show. This season, the show will include rodeo accidents in both Argentina and Mexico.

“Untamed and Uncut” airs with shocking video footage of rodeo accidents. For example, the first segment shows an Argentinean rider being bucked off his horse and kicked squarely in the face. In the second segment (also in Argentina) a rider falls victim to a horse rollover. Third, in Mexico, a rider becomes airborne three times off the bull’s head and shoulders, then smashes to the ground covered in blood. Fortunately, while all the accidents were serious, the riders survived.

In each segment, interviewer Doug Bruckner, BG Entertainment, asks Al what we can understand and learn from these terrible accidents. Bruckner asks how event conduct and animal handling in Argentina and Mexico differs from that in the United States. And, what should these cowboys understand about American livestock programs to ensure they minimize the chance of serious injury, or worse?

Al’s expertise in rodeo-event management, horsemanship, as well as, his many visits to Argentina resulted in useful insights for all involved, not just rodeo performers. Most importantly, what should the rider do when the eminent wreck begins? Can you “read” your horses? Instinctively, do you know what to do once you’re airborne from the saddle? The learning for horseman, whether professional or recreational, is truly must-see TV.

Steve Torbeck of FIRSTTAKEVIDEO filmed the interviews with Mark Sanchez handling audio at Al’s Almosta Ranch in Scottsdale, Ariz. It was the perfect setting, including discussions under the saguaros, demonstrations in the arena, and video analysis in Al’s office. Riders–and non-riders–will find this show exciting, interesting and educational. After all, we all live in an “uncut” world; we just need to minimize the “untamed” risk to be safe.


Al has taken safe horse-and-rider training to a new, innovative level with the first of its kind, the Al Dunning (AD) Masters Clinic. His concept is to teach 100 percent on what participants want. This five-day clinic is limited to only 12 participants at a time. Prior to the clinic, each participant receives a questionnaire from which Al designs the clinic to meet the riders’ specific needs.

The key disciplines taught are reining, working cow horse, and cutting. An entire staff is on hand to ensure individual attention and answers to every question. Al’s goal: Each participant leaves with “increased knowledge on all aspects of their horse involvement and closer to fulfilling their horsemanship dreams.” For more information the AD Masters Clinic, go to

Enter Horse & Rider’s sweepstakes before October 1 for your chance to win a day with world champion trainer Al Dunning and other great prizes!

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