Showmanship Tip
Keep your horse's attention during showmanship classes. From Horse & Rider magazine.

Daydreaming Dilemma
If your horse doesn’t stay awake in showmanship class, here’s a tip that’s helped me keep my horse alert. Before you enter the arena, smear a thin coat of Vicks VapoRubTM or MentholatumTM on the thumb of your right-hand glove. Whenever it’s critical that your horse be alert (e.g., right before you execute your pattern), subtly run your thumb across his nostril so he can get a whiff of the medicated rub. This wakes up my horse right away. I don’t overuse this technique, so he doesn’t get used to the potent smell.
Rayna Pearce
Irving, Texas

?EQUUS Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

This article first appeared in the November, 1997 issue of Horse & Rider magazine.

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