1. True or false: You can now compete in a cow horse class without either working in a herd or going “down the fence.”
T / F
2. What interesting new alternative to regular lessons involves a video-recording device, a friend to assist, and an internet connection?
A) Equicaching.
B) Cyber coaching.
C) Working equitation.
3. True or false: An easy, low-key way to add new interest to your trail riding is by participating in the “frequent-rider” program of your horse’s breed association.
T / F
4. True or false: You cannot cut your horse expenses in half AND upgrade to a better horse than you have now.
T / F
HOW’D YOU DO? (Answers below.)
1. T is correct. Cow horse boxing is a relatively new cow horse class that requires you only to demonstrate control over a single cow along the short side of the arena for 50 seconds. You’re “boxing” the cow into the arena’s short end. Both the National Reined Cow Horse Association and American Quarter Horse Association offer this class, and competitors can earn their way to regional, national, or world championships.
[LEARN MORE about cow horse boxing.]
2. B is correct. Cyber coaching, also called video coaching, enables you to skip the logistics of long-distance hauling to gain the personalized, expert instruction from the successful trainer of your choice.
[LEARN MORE about online cyber coaching for equestrians.]
3. T is correct. No fewer than 34 breed associations offer frequent-rider trail-riding programs that award recognition for saddle miles logged. Participating groups include breed organizations for Quarter Horses, Paints, Appaloosas, Arabians, Fox Trotters, Walking Horses, Peruvian Pasos, and Paso Finos.
[LEARN MORE about the benefits of frequent-rider trail riding programs.]
4. F is correct. You can upgrade quality and lower costs both by entering into a half-lease on a high-quality horse. Half-leases are especially good for riders whose saddle time is limited such that they welcome the help of a co-lessee to keep a horse in top form for showing or serious trail riding.
[LEARN MORE about benefits, contract requirements of half-leasing.]
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