Here it is, almost May again, and we’re getting ready for the big Memorial Day trail ride at Wild Horse Trail Camp in Oklahoma. The Wild Horse ride is located in the heart of the Kiamichi Mountains in southeastern Oklahoma, near a little town named Honobia. My husband and I have been hooked from our very first ride, 10 years ago.
The trail boss, Riley Donica, and his family have run this ride for more than 20 years now. There are two rides: the all-day ride and the half-day ride.
Some riders have been attending this ride from the very beginning. It’s like a family reunion that happens four times a year.
The first ride of the year is named the Dogwood Ride for the beautiful dogwoods that bloom in April. This ride lasts five days, and has a talent show and a spring auction, which helps support a summer church camp run by Wild Horse Trail Camp.
In May, there’s the three-day ride over Memorial Day weekend. October brings the five-day Fall Foliage ride, with beautiful fall colors, and another auction and talent show. In December, there’s the three-day Last Chance ride, when you might get to ride in the snow!
In case there’s an accident or illness, veterinarian Ron Sanders attends the five-day rides, and veterinarian John Corpolongo rides drag on the all-day rides.
We all have so much fun, and there’s something for everyone. There’s a dance for those who like to scoot a boot. There’s a fishing hole. You can bike, bird watch, swim, or just shoot the breeze. You’ll see all kinds of breeds of horses, plus mules. Some people ride mustangs.
All the Perks
As you step out of your trailer or bunkhouse on the first morning, you can hear all the activity: other riders feeding their horses, horses banging their feed buckets, and people making their way to the cook shack, a large log dwelling that looks like it came out of a John Wayne movie.
Breakfast is bacon and eggs, homemade biscuits and gravy, and delicious cinnamon rolls. In the evening, a big meal makes up for the packed lunch on the trail. It’s just like home cooking, and everyone goes away too full.
There are bath houses, plus and hot showers for your aching muscles after a long day in the saddle. If you wish to stay in your motor home or living-quarters trailer, you’ll find electrical and water hookups.
I don’t think you’d be disappointed if you decide to ride with us Okies. My husband and I have ridden in New Mexico and Colorado, which are great rides with breathtaking scenery, but we love the Wild Horse ride best. I hope you come ride with us. We love new faces, and we’d love for you to be part of our big happy family of trail riders.