If your horse loves a treat, try these homemade recipes for horse-y, holiday goodies!
Peppermint-Stick Bran Mash
1 cup crushed candy canes
3 to 5 cups bran
1 tablespoon salt
1 carrot, diced
1 carrot, diced
1/2 cup molasses
2 cups sweet feed
Dissolve crushed candy canes in 2 to 3 cups of boiling water and let water cool to warm. Then, mix all ingredients together except sweet feed in a feed bucket. Add more warm water to make it soupy, rather than crumbly. Cover with towel and let stand until cool. Right before serving, spread a thin layer of sweet feed over the top and sprinkle on a crushed candy cane to garnish.
Thanks to Nicole Fritzler, Mich.
(From The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse, by June V. Evers; Horse Hollow Press, Inc., go to horsehollowpress.com to purchase)
Apple & Carrot Pie
Corn oil
4 apples
4 carrots, diced
Pour enough corn oil in the bottom of a pie pan to cover the bottom. Then, spread about 1/4 cup of sugar over the entire bottom. Slice apples horizontally in pieces about 1/2-inch thick. Lay them and the carrots down over the sugar. Pour a little more corn oil over the pie and sprinkle about 1/4 cup of sugar evenly over the entire top. Lightly sprinkle with cinnamon. Use a large serving spoon to serve equal portions to several horses.
Thanks to Kelly Carlson, Wis.
(From The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse, by June V. Evers; Horse Hollow Press, Inc.)
Steamed Apple Pudding
4 cups bran
2 apples, quartered
In a large pot, combine all ingredients with enough water to make a soupy mash. Simmer on low to medium heat until the apples are mushy. Remove from stove, cover and let cool. Serve warm. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.
(From The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse, by June V. Evers; Horse Hollow Press, Inc.)
Applesauce Bundt Avec Corn Oil
2 cups sweet feed
2 cups bran
1 cup molasses
1 cup apples, chopped
1/2 cup applesauce
1/2 cup corn oil
1-1/2 cups water
1 alfalfa cube, crushed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a bundt cake pan and set aside.
Mix ingredients (except alfalfa cube) in a large bowl. Slowly add more or less water until mixture is a stiff consistency. Press mixture into a bundt cake pan and bake for one hour. When cooled completely, dribble an additional 1/2 cup of corn oil over the top and sprinkle on the crushed alfalfa cube for a garnish. Remove, let cool completely and serve to several horses.
Thanks to Tammy Goydich, N.Y.
(From The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse, by June V. Evers; Horse Hollow Press, Inc.)
Christmas Cake
4 cups sweet feed
1 apple, chopped
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup molasses
2 eggs
Purple grapes
2 carrots, diced
Sugar cubes
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generously grease a cake pan and set aside.
Mix sweet feed, apple, raisins, molasses, and eggs together well. Press into cake pan and bake for one hour. Remove and let cool completely. Top with grapes, carrots, and sugar cubes.
Thanks to Edie Larson of Fox Haven Farm, Va., and The Complete Horse Tack Shop, Richmond, Va.
(From The Ultimate Guide to Pampering Your Horse, by June V. Evers; Horse Hollow Press, Inc.)