Grounded. Again.

By Jennifer Paulson, Managing Editor

The Travel Gods haven’t smiled upon me this year. They’ve actually been downright nasty.

All packed, and nowhere to go.

It all started in April, when I was supposed to go to Southern California for a photo shoot. The day I was to leave, Denver was socked with a late-spring snow storm, which can be our worst. So we delayed the trip one week. I arrived in Sunny San Diego to not-so-sunny conditions. Downpours, actually. Torrential rain that’s completely unseasonal for that time of year. (So I’m told.) Arenas were rendered useless for weeks (because they don’t have indoor arenas in Sunny San Diego). I had to drive 6 hours north to outrun the rain and do anything productive on that trip.

Then there was the trip to Seattle in September. Granted, it’s not the best time of year to head that direction and count on good weather. But it was early in the month, and the forecast was beautiful…the week before I was supposed to leave. Then Seattle was hit by rain, and Colorado was devastated by record flooding. My trip was postponed a week. And Seattle was well into its rainy season by the time I arrived.

Next came Congress. My Partners in Congress Coverage had gorgeous, warm weather for the first part of the show. They didn’t even need coats. By the time I arrived for the close of the big event, outdoor areas?from arenas to food carts?were vacant because of the frigid, windy, rainy weather. Slick horses traveled from place to place covered in coolers, sheets, and blankets. Exhibitors piled on the layers. The hottest item to buy at the show was a crocheted ear band. I could hardly take out my camera, due to the wet weather.

And now I find myself shut out again, thanks to ice storms and “do not travel” advisories. Except this time, there’s no rescheduling. I’m pretty sure the NRHA Futurity will go on as scheduled, whether or not my camera and I can make the trip. I had so many fun projects in the works for this event, and planned to see friends and colleagues. Luckily, the work side of things can still be accomplished from my desk.

Here’s hoping that the Travel Gods show me more favor in 2014!

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