Non-Horse Friends: They Just Don’t Get It

Spring is definitely in the air, and show season is just around the corner!

As I start to prepare for the show season, some of my non-horsey friends have a hard time understanding how much work goes into show preparation. I try to explain that the riding, training, and daily lessons take up a lot of my time.

A lot of work goes into getting a horse ready to show. More than my non-horse friends could ever fathom!

Like many things, I believe that you have to do something for yourself in order to understand what it’s like. I allowed a friend to ride my horse once, and she did all the brushing, tacking up, and cooling down by herself. At the end of the ride she said, “I never thought a horse was that much work!”

A lot of my fellow classmates don’t understand my horse addiction, and I believe some never will. Having horses is a commitment and a luxury, all in one. I would never give up my horses for anything; they make me who I am and have helped me grow throughout life. Ever since the first day I got a horse, my life has been changed for the better in so many ways.

I try to explain to my fellow classmates and friends how amazing horses are; however, some will just never understand. We horse people are definitely a breed of our own, but what would life be without horses? Maybe one day other people will understand our horse addictions, but until then, long live cowboys and gals! 

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