And, here’s the fun part…
H&R’s super-star art director, Adam Purvis, hoists Erin onto a massive hay bale, while pups, Happy and Digger, stand by in case they’re needed.
Just one more push…
Next go-round, Erin goes at it alone; not working out very well. Provides Adam, the dogs, and me with some entertainment , however.
We just cannot do a photo shoot without the pooches. No if’s, and’s, or but’s.
Digger, Happy, Adam, and Erin take a break, while I examine the shots we’ve gotten so far. Glad they get to rest.
We’re so fortunate to have such a good ham to model for us!
Long stroll home. Thanks, Adam, for carrying that cowboy hat and not my camera equipment. 🙂 Luv ya!