
…and we’re not talking about pinning ribbons on placewinners at horse shows, like Juli Thorson did in her Horse Talk blog the other day.

We’re talking about Pinterest. The hottest new social-media experience on the Internet.

I joined the craze about six weeks ago, and I have to admit: I like it better than Facebook. I have boards to keep track of links to cool projects to do with my kids, decorating ideas for my home, recipes to cook for my family, and funny (sometimes inappropriate) memes that make me laugh…out loud…sometimes too loud.

Along with regular folks, Pinterest also houses pinboards for huge magazines like Better Homes and Gardens, Ladies’ Home Journal, and SHAPE, not to mention clothing brands?even those from the Western fashion world like Cowgirl Tuff, Ariat, and Lane Boots.

And now Horse&Riderhas joined the masses! If you’re on Pinterest, be sure to follow us. We’ll offer you an extension of what you see in the magazine?fashion you might see on the Style page, horses that We’d Love to Own, a-ha Solutions, gorgeous new tack items in our Tack Room, and Western Fun to keep life interesting. We want to help inspire your horse life and improve it in new and exciting ways. New media, like Pinterest, allows us to do that!

If you’re on Pinterest, what’s your favorite thing about it?

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